Have you ever seen your favorite blogger/vlogger wear something and been like, I could never pull that off. Or, that looks awesome on her/him, but I could never see than on me. That's how I am when it comes to the socks and heels trend. I love to see it on other people, but never for myself. It just looks so effortless and cool. Not to say I don't think I'm cool, 'cause I definitely am. It's just I didn't think I could pull it off and not look self-conscious while doing it. Until now.
Before I decided to take the plunge, I consulted my friend on how she felt about the trend. She basically felt the same way about it that I did. Which is, it's cute, but some people try too hard to make something look or seem cool. And that's DEFINITELY NOT the look or feel I'm going for...EVER!! So, finally I just decided, f#@& it and wore it, and no one died in the process.
These socks I borrowed from my son courtesy of my local TJ Maxx. I thought these would give my outfit a whimsical punch since this dress is really simple. My fuzzy heels I've had since last year and they're one of my all time favorite pair of shoes. They are cute, comfortable, and inexpensive: 3 of my requirements for high heel shoes.
My dress is from a thrift store close to my hometown. When we walked in it was hanging on the end of a random rack. It was a whopping $2.99; a no-brainer if you ask me and one of my best purchases to date.
For my accessories, I decided to keep it simple with a ring my sister got me for Christmas years ago and these really cute yet fancy earrings from Target. You'd never believe these were only $7.99. They add a hint of sparkle. I'm trying to revamp my jewelry collection with more sophisticated pieces and these will take my looks in the direction I want them to go.
Morale of the story: don't be afraid to try something that's completely foreign to you. Don't let how you think or feel about yourself keep you from trying different things you're curious about. It may not be something as simple or trivial as socks and heels; give yourself a chance to experience it for yourself. You don't want your life to be filled with what-ifs, or wonder what could've happened if I'd done______________.

Be like Nike and "just do it." Besides, if it turns out you don't like it, at least you can say you did it. You'll be glad you did 😃😃
Until next time...
Dress: Thrifted; Earrings: Target; Ring: Gift; Socks: TJ Maxx; Shoes: TJ Maxx
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