Monday, December 4, 2017

Making the Jump

So, how have you been since I last posted? I hope you guys have been doing well.  Oh me, I've been going through a lot of changes since last year up till now.  Some good, some that could've been better.  But, I wouldn't change it at all.  It's all about living your life to the fullest and how you want to live it.  In my 40 years of being on this Earth, I've learned that you can't live your life for other people and expect to be happy with it.  It's OK to make life decisions based on how YOU feel.  No one can live your life for you but you.  So why not do it the way you want to.

With that being said, I've decided to finally "jump" and do something that I've wanted to do for a long time now.  This has been in my heart and spirit for a while now, but I've been deathly afraid to put myself out there and do it.  When I told my friends what I wanted to do, they really encouraged me and said that I could do it.  But, I was holding myself back and didn't go through with it.  It's been in the back of my mind for some time, waving at me and not letting me forget it's there. So, I think I'm ready to finally devote my entire self to what I want to do.

I've made the decision to start my own style consulting business.  I'm going to offer a few services to start, and build from there.  This is something that I've wanted to do for at least 4 or 5 years, but I was afraid to do it because I didn't know what the response or the outcome would be.  I know I can't worry about the response because the people who feel they need the help will respond.  But, I don't have any control over the outcome; that's my biggest problem.  Not being able to control the outcomes of my life is something I work on daily and I try to stress less over.  I'm making baby steps to get there (constantly a work in progress.)

If you have something you've always wanted to do, no matter how silly it may sound to yourself or others, please at least try it on a short term basis.  If it doesn't work out, that's fine.  At least you can say you did it.  But, if you never do it, you'll always be wondering "what if."  I don't want to be at the end of my life filled with what ifs because I was too afraid to take a chance on myself.

If you or someone you know is interested in my services, you can email me at  Or, feel free to give me a call at 601-298-4025.

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